07 May, 2008

Burmese Cyclone

I find it absolutely sickening that nothing is currently being done about the situation in Burma. Now, I understand, this is not an incident where any one thing could've happened to stop it, it's an act of nature that no one was prepared for. How is it though, that the death toll is not rising by the hundreds but by the thousands and yet the burmese government is not allowing aide workers in or out. There are millions homeless without power, access to food or safe drinking water and yet, the aide that is being sent, is sitting in neighboring Thailand because the Burmese government won't allow it in. I'm just watching this happen day after day, knowing that the longer things wait, the harder it becomes for those just trying to survive the aftermath. It's what happened in NOLA only multiplied and on a much larger scale and the fact that even less is currently being done is just absolutely despicable. There needs to be some side-step here, something that will move this process along so the deathtoll in Burma does not continue to rise.

I want to be out there on the front lines fighting this fight. I want to be standing at the Thailand border trying to get supplies over to those that are in dire need. These are days that I just don't understand how people can be so selfish and uncaring of those around them. It was apparent during the Burmese protest back in late fall when the military government was trying to silence them quietly but there is so much more of a watchful eye that we knew people were dying and disappearing during those protests and now there's a national disaster and that same government is doing next to nothing to help. I'm appalled. Absolutely appalled.

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